Letham Primary School

Letham Primary School
Life at Letham Primary School

Internet Safety - Shared Learning

Across the school our pupils will be finding out more about internet safety and the dangers of social media this week.  All of the P7s will work with Mrs Maclaughlan, Mrs Forbes and Mrs Speight to explore how to keep yourself safe online. We will also investigate the impact of bullying online and how negative comments can significantly impact young people.

We would like to invite all parents from Nursery to P7 to attend a shared learning event.

Thursday 2nd April from 9.15-10.20am in the Assembly Hall

This will be led by the P7 class. Even in your child is only in nursery it it not too early to find out about how best to protect them.

If you are unable to attend but would like further information please visit the following website: ttps://www.thinkuknow.co.uk/