Letham Primary School

Letham Primary School
Life at Letham Primary School

Social Snack & Tuckshop

We are delighted to be able to continue providing a free daily snack for children across P1-4 at 10.40am each day.  Donations from Tesco and our local Coop and Perth Foodbank allow us to provide this for free to our youngest children.

Children across P5-7 are asked to pay £1 per week - they like a bigger snack and we have buy our fresh fruit, cheese and butter. We often have to supplement the donations and spend approximately £50 per week.  We are currently only taking in about £15 per week although 25-30 children are having snack and this impacts on our whole school fundraising.

A number of P5-7 children are requesting snack each day and reporting they have forgotten their money. We never allow a child to go hungry but do not feel £1 per week is not asking too much.

Please check with your child if they are using our tuckshop and ensure you provide them with £1 per week although we do accept 20p per day also.