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Playground Drop Off & Pick Up
The first week of term is almost over and the children have all settled into their new routines quickly.
Could all parents and carers please remember the following 'drop off' and 'pick up' points:
Once the bell rings all children should go to their correct line.
All parents should stand behind the smiley faces painted on playground - this gives children space to line up.
P1 parents can stand next to the P1 entrance area to support their child if required.
Any parent wishing to speak to a staff member or to go to the office should wait until the children have entered the school.
All parents should stand behind the smiley faces painted on playground - this ensures everyone can see their child coming out of the school.
Please tell your children where you will be waiting for them.
Please remember to tell your children who will be collecting them.
Please remind your children to return to the school office if they come out and you are not there.