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Summer Fun & Diary Dates
Apologies now if this update tempts fate and the rain returns - although for some gardens this will be very welcome! The children are all enjoying the sunny weather but please do remember to apply or provide sun cream, a hat and a water bottle.
We have updated our diary dates for this term and have confirmed key events:
- Nursery 'Snack & Sports' sessions (4 opportunities - 2 x 29th May, 2 x 4th June)
- P1-7 Stay & Play BBQ - Friday 8th June from 12.30pm
- P1 Parent Information Sessions - Monday 11th June 2pm & 6pm
- Moving Up morning - Friday 15th June from 9.15-11am
- Fun Run - Monday 18th June from 2pm
- Sports Day - Tuesday 19th June from 1.30pm
- Leavers' Assembly - Wednesday 27th June from 2pm
- School closes at 12noon - Thursday 28th June